BELTA (Belarusian Telegraph Agency) learned from The Ministry of Labour and Social Security that Belarusian wheelchair users received in January – March 2013 1 014 wheelchairs.
More than 100 thousand people in need of technical measures of social rehabilitation are registered in Belarusian prosthetic and orthopedic rehabilitation center (RUE “BPOVTS”). In the first quarter of 2013 more than 26,9 thousand products were produced (113,5 % over the same period of time in 2012), including 7,7 thousand pairs of the orthopedic shoes, 10,6 thousand different individual rehabilitation products, 3,5 thousand items of medical prosthesis, 2,7 thousand prosthetic products. 791 breast prostheses and 1,6 thousand bras to them have been supplied to the consumers in Belarus.
RUE “BPOVTS” introduces new technologies in prosthetics and manufacturing of technical means of social rehabilitation. In the first quarter of 2013 individual design products documentation was developed for 21 wheelchairs, 15 kinds of means of social rehabilitation; the prototypes of 6 kinds of products were manufactured; 135 products are made according to individual designs.
In Belarus on March 2013 522,3 thousand disabled people were registered in the institutions for labour, employment and social security of the disabled people, including 76.4 thousand disabled people in group I, 274.5 thousand – II group, 145.4 thousand – III group, and 26 thousand disabled children under the age of 18 . The share of the disabled people in total population of the country makes 5,5%.
A number of activities are being realized in Belarus under the subprogram “The prevention of disability and rehabilitation of the disabled people” of the Comprehensive program for social service development for 2011-2015. The aim of the subprogram is to improve the quality of life of the disabled people and to increase the level of their social integration in the society. The work towards establishment of the barrier-free living environment for physically disabled people is carried out within the framework of the realization of the relevant state program for 2011-2015.